Why Self-Trust Matters: The Key to Making Decisions with Confidence

“Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will.” – Suzy Kassem

Have you ever had a moment when you second-guessed your decisions, doubted your skills and abilities, or felt like you're walking on a tightrope of uncertainty? 

Well, you're not alone. 

So many of the women that come into my world have all been there, wondering if they have what it takes to tackle their big audacious, juicy dreams and navigate all of life's twists and turns. 

But guess what? 

They absolutely do, and it comes down to enhancing something truly invaluable – their self-trust.

What does it mean to build unwavering confidence in yourself, no matter what life throws your way? 

If you're ready to confront your self-doubt barriers, embrace your strengths, and step into your power, this is for you. 

The journey to cultivating a deeper sense of self-trust is a journey in unlocking the potential within you – the kind that doesn't just believe in success but also believes in yourself.

Cultivating Self-Awareness

Let's start by shining a light on those sneaky signs of self-doubt. Recognizing their cues is the first step. 

When that voice of uncertainty starts echoing, ask yourself:

“What triggered this doubt?" 

Was it a comment someone made, a challenging situation, or just a random thought that spiraled out of control? 

Jotting down these triggers helps you identify patterns and address them head-on.

Journaling isn't just about doodling; it's about unraveling all the threads of your inner thoughts. 

Take time weekly to put your feelings on paper. 

This isn't the time to filter – let those thoughts flow freely and with enough time you'll start to notice thought patterns. 

Those recurring themes, whether they're self-doubts or self-assurances, reveal a lot about your mindset. 

This insight is golden because you can address any negative loops and replace them with empowering beliefs.


Embracing Positive Self-Talk

Now, let's talk about self-talk. 

Think of it as your internal dialogue – the chatter that's always present, like a background playlist. 

But here's the thing: you're the DJ, and you control the tunes. 

Negative self-talk? It's like playing a sad song on repeat. So, let's switch to the track of self-confidence.

Identify those negative self-talk patterns. 

Do you find yourself saying, "I can't do this" or "I'm not good enough"? 

These are your cues to intervene. 

Reframe those statements.  

Turn "I can't do this" into "I can figure this out step by step."

Instead of "I'm not good enough," how about "I have strengths that make me unique. I have strengths that make me capable." 

See the shift? 

These are your power boosters. 

Write down positive statements that resonate with you.

Start your day with:

“I am capable” 

"I trust myself to make the right choices," or 

"I embrace challenges with confidence" or

“I trust myself to figure it out”

It might feel strange at first, but over time, these affirmations become your go-to soundtrack, drowning out the doubt and amplifying self-trust.


Celebrating Small Wins

Let's talk about victories – not the grand, fireworks-in-the-sky kind, but the everyday wins. 

Did you finally tackle that tricky task you've been avoiding? High-five to you! 

Celebrate it. 

One of the practices I have my clients do is catalog their wins or moments in their history they are proud of. 

Moments where they were terrified and moved forward anyway or felt out of their depth and resourced themselves and prepared to rise to the occasion. 

Or during seasons of uncertainty they traveled with resilience and came out stronger on the other side of. 

Accomplishments, big or small, are like building blocks of self-trust. 

They show you that you're capable, inch by inch. 

When was the last time you celebrated your successes? 


Acknowledging your progress matters. 

Start by setting achievable goals and milestones. 

When you break down your journey, it's like climbing a mountain step by step instead of staring at the peak. 

Achieving these milestones is like crossing items off your self-trust checklist. And here's the magic: even if they seem minor, they're building that foundation of self-confidence.

Give yourself credit for those baby steps. 

Recognize that learning, growing, and inching closer to your goals are signs of your blossoming self-trust.


Embodying Self-Compassion

Picture this: you're helping a friend through a tough time. 

Would you berate them for making a mistake? Of course not! You'd offer words of comfort and encouragement. 

Now, shift that compassion inward. 

Self-trust isn't about being perfect; it's about being kind to yourself. 

When things don't go as planned, take a moment to practice self-compassion. 

Acknowledge your feelings without judgment. 

Treat yourself with the same warmth and understanding you'd extend to a loved one. 

This mindset shift is a powerful tool for nurturing self-trust, even during the bumps on your journey.


Seeking External Validation Mindfully

Ah, the sweet taste of validation – it feels good, right? 

Getting a thumbs-up or praise from others can boost our confidence. 

But here's the twist: external validation should complement, not replace, your self-trust. 

When seeking feedback, be mindful of the sources. 

Choose those that resonate with your values and beliefs. 

Their input can offer fresh perspectives, but remember that your compass points to your true north. 

Balancing external opinions with your inner voice ensures that your decisions are rooted in self-trust.


Embracing Setbacks as Learning

Let's talk about the elephant in the room: setbacks. 

It's an experience that can send shivers down our spines. 

But guess what? It's also an essential ingredient in the recipe of self-trust. 

Embrace setbacks as friends, not foes. 

When things don't go as planned, view it as an opportunity to learn and grow. 

Shift your perspective: setbacks aren’t the end all be all; they're stepping stones toward success. 

Each stumble is a chance to refine your approach, test your resilience, and strengthen your self-trust muscles.


Setting Boundaries and Prioritizing Self-Care

 Imagine a garden. Without boundaries, it turns into a chaotic mess. 

Your life isn't so different. 

Overcommitting and neglecting self-care can chip away at your self-trust. 

Boundaries are your allies here. 

Learn to say no when necessary. 

Protect your time and energy like they're precious currencies – because they are.

Prioritize self-care, not as an afterthought, but as a cornerstone of self-trust. 

When you communicate to the world that you value your well-being, you reinforce your own self-respect and deepen your trust in yourself.


Visualization and Positive Imagery

Now, let's talk about visualization. 

Close your eyes and imagine this: You're standing at the finish line of your goal.

The sense of achievement, the joy radiating from your being – can you feel it? 

Visualization is like a sneak preview of success. 

It enhances your self-trust by creating a mental blueprint of achievement. 

Incorporate positive imagery into your daily routine. 

During your morning routine or before bed, take a few moments to envision your victories. 

This practice rewires your brain, fueling your belief in your capabilities.


Taking Incremental Action Steps

Imagine you're standing at the edge of a pool, contemplating a dive. 

It's the same with overcoming self-doubt – you need to take the plunge. 

Start small. Break your larger goals into bite-sized, manageable steps. 

Each step you conquer is like a pebble dropped into a pond, creating ripples of self-trust. 

And remember, even if the steps seem tiny, each one is a testament to your determination and courage.


Surrounding Yourself with Supportive Voices

Your surroundings shape your reality. 

Surround yourself with voices that uplift you, inspire you, and believe in your potential. 

Seek out mentors or coaches who have walked similar paths and can guide you with wisdom. 

Connect with role models who embody self-belief and authenticity. 

When you're in an environment that nourishes your self-trust, it becomes second nature to believe in yourself, too.

Now, it's time for the most exciting part – action. Taking action helps to fortify your self-trust. It’s you upholding commitments with yourself & gathering new evidence of your capabilities.

As you implement these strategies, remember that building self-trust is a journey, not a destination. 

Each step you take, no matter how small, contributes to a stronger foundation of belief in yourself. 

Trust isn't built overnight, but with every choice to embrace self-awareness, compassion, resilience, and positivity, you're cementing your self-trust with unwavering resolve.

So go ahead, take the leap. Start that project. Ask for the raise. Apply for a new role.

The path to self-trust is paved with these strategies, and every step you take is a testament to your courage and commitment to enhancing your belief in yourself. 

Believe, trust, and continue to grow – your journey to self-trust is a story worth living.


So you got everything you want. Now what? 


Transitioning from Employee to Entrepreneur: Overcoming Fear and Building Your Dream Business.