bold life. bold leaders. big joy.
Life, work and leadership coaching for movers & shakers, non-conformists and humans on a mission to do good.
Design in the direction of your joy.
The Bold Life Design is all about evidenced-based joy & success coaching.
Movers & shakers
With an undeniable desire to:
To play big
Create a lasting impact
Cultivate deep, unshakeable purpose, pleasure & peace
Bold Pivots
Coaching for individuals navigating a BIG season of transition – career shift, retirement, empty nester, divorce, finding purpose, etc.
We use a strategic framework for you to explore & design your way forward with confidence & gusto. Let’s make the work & life you REALLY want come to life.
Bold Leaders
Joy & Success Coaching for Leaders is evidenced based, high-impact fulfillment & leadership coaching for high-achievers who have a bias for action.
Empowering & enabling you with mindset, confidence, habits & tools to fully step into the leadership identity that you desire.
Coaching Intensives
Get one-on-one strategic support on the specific area that feels most important to you – confidence & courage, professional brand, or business development.
Intensives are a great way to move the needle on a specific challenge or for those wanting a starting place to get a feel for coaching.
Food & Body Peace Coaching
It’s time your relationship with food & your body matches the rest of your awesomeness.
Grounded in science & evidence-based frameworks, food & body peace coaching supports you in exiting the anxiety-spiral and finding your peace.
For Teams & Organizations
Strengths Coaching for Teams
Individuals who know their superpowers & play to their strengths are the powerhouses in any organization. And a team that knows its members & it’s collective strength is powerfully effective & unshakeable. Get insight to both individual & team strengths in this group development experience.
The Bold Life Design @ Work
Helping your employees human better. Wellbeing & development programs designed to increase resilience, improve engagement, raise self-confidence & build better communication, fostering a workplace where people want to stay. Includes employee coaching, Leadership Circles, workshops, and consuting services.
Whats keeping you from bold impact & big joy?
Real talk: You’ve got mountains to move & no time to waste.
Common joy thiefs:
Adhering to other people’s definition of success.
Lack of clarity on what you deeply desire & what drives you.
Being paralyzed by fear of failure or not being good enough.
Too much work & too little play.
Perfectionism & all-or-none thinking.
Staying stuck in minimizing thought loops & mindsets.
Not supporting your body in the way it needs to rise to your life’s challenges & opportunities.
Getting caught in comparison traps.
Worthiness attached to productivity, other people’s opinions, what your body looks like, etc.
Ineffective coping strategies & not enough rest.
Squishy (or non-existent) boundaries.
Putting everyone’s needs & wants before your own
Does any of this feel true for you?
joy = the intersection of your purpose + pleasure + peace
We’re not talking about ignorance-is-bliss, no hardships kind of joy... we’re talking eyes-wide-open, in charge, present, resilient, “I know who I am & what I am here for” kind of joy.
Move mountains joy.
Our Partners
Schedule a Connection Call & see what’s possible with the right support.
There’s no commitment, pressure, or obligation. This is a chemistry call – opportunity for me to hear your story & needs and an opportunity for you to learn more about coaching, get your questions answered, and feel me out.